Transparent administration and management of reports - whistleblowing

Committed to Integrity and Transparency

At Tessitura Taborelli, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of professional ethics, integrity and transparency. We recognize the importance of a safe and fair working environment, where all employees and collaborators can feel free to express concerns or report unethical behavior without fear of retaliation.

What is whistleblowing?
Whistleblowing is an important act of courage and responsibility. This involves reporting illegal activities, unethical behavior, violations of laws, regulations or company policies. This reporting system is a key element in ensuring that our company operates to the highest ethical and legal standards.

How the Reporting System Works

This system is designed to be easy to use, confidential and, if desired, anonymous. We invite all employees, consultants, customers and other interested parties to use this platform to relieve any anxiety. The information will be reviewed in an appropriate and professional manner.

Non-Retaliation Guarantee

We guarantee that every report will be treated with the utmost seriousness and discretion. We reiterate our commitment not to tolerate any form of retaliation against those who report in good faith.

Send your Report

If you have observed behavior that does not comply with our ethical or legal standards, we encourage you to do your part and report it. Your voice is essential to help us keep Tessitura Taborelli an ethical and responsible workplace.

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    Ai sensi del DPR 679/2016 e d.lgs 30/06/2003, n. 196 "Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali",
    l'utente preso atto dell'informativa ricevuta: